
Personal Risk Management

We consult with individuals in their financial protection and wealth management.
Our clients achieve peace of mind and ensure financial security through:
• Protecting everything they care about
• Accumulating wealth to fulfil life-goals like children’s education funds, buying a dream home
• Attaining financial independence and ability to live their golden years with graceful dignity
Risk Management
We believe in protecting the dignity of people. When we die, we want to know that our loved ones are properly provided for. We are not able to replace ourselves and show physical care and love. But we can ensure those we leave behind can continue living in peace and comfort.

We believe that what is worth accumulating is worth preserving, our properties like car, house, business, and the quality lifestyle that we are providing for our loved ones

Insurance is cash to be paid to someone someday. Insurance will not replace the physical us when we die. However, insurance will ensure and guarantee that our plans will come to fruition even when we are no longer around. Insurance is the cash and means for our loved ones to carry on with the lifestyle we have provided them in our lifetime. Insurance is the tool we use to assure that our children get the education we want them to have.

Your planning and action guarantees your hopes and dreams for your loved ones will come true. You ensure that they will never have to wonder where to live after the funeral, how to afford the next meal, no job-hunting and childcare arrangements in order to put food on the table. It is a silent act of love and commitment to your loved ones.

In all things, we plan for the worst and pray for the best. If all goes smoothly, you would have enjoyed years of peace of mind, knowing you have provided for your loved ones. At retirement, you would have accumulated a nest-egg that you can either bestow on your future generations or spend freely in your golden years.
Wealth Management
Many people face the challenge of implementing and maintaining a successful wealth accumulation programme.
Many people save, accumulate and spend.

We aim to help clients save, accumulate, successfully preserve and build a portfolio of wealth, putting them in a position where work is an option, not a necessity. They enjoy life in their golden years on their own terms.

We help clients to analyse their risk tolerance, investment time horizon, and financial objectives before drawing up an investment strategy for them.
Using proven strategies like dollar cost averaging, we have successfully helped many clients accumulate significant wealth over the years.
We believe with proper planning, we can continue to enjoy life during our retirement years. We do not need to retire from enjoyment.

Education is the window to the future, and we want to be ready when our children are ready. We want to be able to send them to the universities of their choice, fulfilling our duty as parents.

Our Services

Risk Management

  • Life Insurance
  • Family Income Protection
  • Lifestyle protection
  • Personal accident
  • Major illness planning
  • Hospital & Surgical
  • Female illness protection, medical check
  • Maternity coverage
  • Children protection planning
  • Mortgage protection planning

Personal General Insurance

  • Travel insurance
  • Auto insurance
  • Home fire insurance

Wealth Management

  • Lifestyle planning
  • Liquidity needs planning
  • Savings planning
  • Children Education planning
  • Retirement planning
  • Pension planning
  • Wealth accumulation
  • Portfolio Management

Wealth Preservation

  • SRS planning
  • Estate planning
  • Will & Trust planning

We believe that great wealth comes with great responsibility, and we have to ensure that wealth is a tool used to enrich our loved ones’ lives and not used to inadvertently destroy them.

  • Health screening
  • Mortgage loans / refinancing

Health is wealth. And prosperity is the opportunity to enjoy our wealth. Prevention is better than cure, therefore wellness is essential. With regular medical checks and advanced medical technology, early detection significantly increases our chances of cure and longevity.

Property is most Singaporeans’ biggest asset, and our largest loan liability is usually attached to it. We believe in assisting clients in getting competitive rates for mortgage loan and enjoy significant interest savings in the long term.

Our Approach

We believe in listening to, and understanding our clients first. We believe each person is unique, with an individualized set of dreams, aspirations and needs. Each person needs a custom-made solution.

We believe in helping to make a difference and changing lives for the better.

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